“A garden like no other!”

(the comment from one garden judge!)

This is a private garden, which has been opened to the public on various dates during the last 16 years, with all proceeds going to our named charities.  

Charity Open Days

Visiting us - our garden no longer opens for members of the public to visit.

Our charity open days have always been very pleasant. It has been an honour to share our garden with so many enthusiastic visitors over many years. We are still gardening as passionately as ever. However, from 2023 onwards we discontinued opening our garden for public charity events. We realised that to continue our very busy open days into the years ahead would be increasingly unsustainable, and there was an increasing risk that, at some unpredictable time ahead, we might not be able to manage!

Since May 2006 we have welcomed more than 15,706 people from 41 countries.  We are sincerely grateful to them for raising over £52,498 for our named charities, with by far the largest share going to the National Garden Scheme.

Four Seasons
26 Buchanan Road, 
West Midlands, 

email: fourseasonsgarden@btinternet.com
Please note: access into the garden is down 10 steps into the garden. Toilet at garden level 

Buchanan Road is on sloping land and the garden is about 8 feet below the house level and therefore is only accessible by the steps (see photo). There are another two steps in order to reach the Yorkstone paths and after that light weight wheel chairs can travel along paths to reach the lawn and upper garden, some of the middle garden, and some lower garden areas without need to negotiate any further steps. 
Unfortunately there is no possible way for a powered wheelchair to be 'driven' into the garden and, as far as we are aware, powered wheelchairs are just too heavy to be carried down the steps. 

We have had portable wheel chairs used in the garden very successfully but the person with the walking disability has needed to manage the steps into the garden with two or more people helping. 

We always have at least two strong people (Tony and Marie!) available to assist anyone on the steps into the garden and we are delighted to make this offer to you if it could be of help.   
Since May 2006 we have welcomed more than 15,706 visitors to our garden open days.

Apart from the UK, we have been delighted to receive garden visitors from 41 countries including Australia, Bahamas, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Eire, Eritrea, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Italy, Jamaica, Luxembourg, Malaysia, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA and Vietnam. 

We have also many visitors to our family garden events, including the wedding of one of our daughters.

We like to share our garden and by so doing it is a win-win-win-win situation! 

Firstly, we our aim is for all our garden visitors to enjoy their visit and have satisfaction that their admission fee was excellent value, as well as benefiting a charity. 

Secondly, our chosen charities are always delighted to receive a very welcome funding boost. 

Thirdly, we have immense pleasure from sharing our garden with others. And fourthly, because we are sharing the garden with others, we can justify to ourselves why it's ok to buy a 'few' extra plants from time to time!  