Bulbs Summer

Pathway through the middle garden (July 6).

Crocosmia 'Paul's Best Yellow'.

Evening light.

Tigridia pavonia - mid August sun.

Liatris flowers in the perennial lower garden.

Blue agapanthus.

Croscosmia 'Lucifer' flower.

'Stargazer' lily in morning sunlight.
Bulbs we have planted in our garden
Lilies we have planted in our garden
are mostly in the Oriental and Asiatic hybrid group
- Asiatic Lily 'Connecticut King'
- Asiatic Lily 'Crimson Pixie'
- Asiatic Lily 'Grand Cru'
- Asiatic Lily 'Landini'
- Asiatic Lily 'Mona Lisa'
- Asiatic Lily 'Monte Negro'
- Asiatic lily 'Orange Pixie'
- Asiatic Lily 'Red Sensation'
- Asiatic Lily 'Rosella’s Dream'
- Asiatic Lily 'Tango Cappuccino'
- Asiatic Lily 'Tropical Breeze'
- Oriental Lily 'Salina'
- Oriental Trumpet Lily 'Scheherazade'
- Oriental Lily 'Stargazer'
- Oriental Lily 'Tom Pouce'
- Agapanthus
- Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily or Lily of the Incas)
- Crocosmia
- Fritillaria imperialis 'Aurora'
- Fritillaria imperialis 'Maxima Lutea' (Crown Imperialis)
- Fritillaria meleagris (Snakes Head Fritillary)
- Zantedeschia aethiopica (arum lily) hardy and non hardy
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